National Fossil Day 2015




Images at the Discovery Museum on National Fossil Day, 2015.

Fossil Starter Collections given to the kids.

Images from the Museum on National Fossil Day 2015

The Virtual Fossil Museum Crew - up until 1 AM assembling fossil kits and packing, then up at 4 AM to finish packing.
Upper left: Look at the little girls eyes, as Roger shows her a raptor dinosaur egg. Upper right: Thanks to Fossil Mall's donation, we assembled more than 100 fossil kits, and didn't have time or sufficient baggies to finish, so we still have plenty for next year. We also gave away many to teachers, who were delighted to have fossils to show kids when teaching, and some to give to the kids. The lesson learned was that next year we need to try to assemble some teacher packets.
Everyone set up in the Discovery Museum spacious entrance area.
Moms dads and kids aplenty.
Older kids too.
The cave bear skull was pretty scary to one little girl.
Teenagers on a date at the museum - imagine that.
The kids seem to range from age 5 to 13 or so.
Lulls for photos were few and far between.
Fossil high-five.
Adorable little sisters score fossil kits.
The kid's favorite, two years in a row, skull of Ursus cave bear.
Runner up favorite, Paradoxides Cambrian trilobite. Note small box below holding a tiny eight inch long Agnostid trilobite for size contract.
These 5th and 6th grade boys above knew a lot about evolution. And, amazingly, they learned it in Arkansas. These were very smart boys, full of questions.
 Vanessa in one-on-one with small girl.


Fossil Starter Collection

Hyolithid Fossil
Scyphocrinites Crinoid
Cleoniceras besairei Ammonite
Hyolithid Fossil
Phylum Mollusca (?) or Hyolitha,
Class Hyolitha
Early Cambrian
Pioche Shale, Navada
Scyphocrinites Crinoid
Phylum Echinodermata,
Class Crinodea
Erfoud, Morocco Crinoidea
Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Erfoud, Morocco
Cleoniceras besairei Ammonite
Phylum Mollusca, Class Cephalopoda
Tulear, Madagascar
Raptor Dinosaur Egg Shell
Clam Shrimp
Admetopsis Fossil Gastropod
Raptor Dinosaur Egg Shell
Class Sauropsida, Suborder Theropoda
Clam Shrimp
Phylum Arthropoda, Class Branchiopoda
Liaoning, China

Admetopsis Fossil Gastropod (snail)
Phylum Mollusca, Class Gastropoda
Tropic Shale, Iron County, Utah

Phylum Cyanobacteria
Green River Formation, Wyoming
Shark Tooth
Fossil Amber
Shark Tooth
Phylum Chordata,
Class Chondrichthyes
Khouribgha, Morocco
Fossil Amber
Kingdom Plantae
Dominican Republic

Fossil Mall fossil kit donations