Fossil Images - Stromatolites

Fossil Pictures

Pictures of Stromatolites



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Hadrophycus immanus - Polished
Archaean Stromatolites (2.58 billion years old)
Libby Super Group, Nash Fork Shear Zone, Libby Flats Medicine Bow Range, Wyoming
Hadrophycus immanus - Rough
Archaean Stromatolites (2.58 billion years old)
Libby Super Group, Nash Fork Shear Zone, Libby Flats Medicine Bow Range, Wyoming
1024 x 768
72 ppi
Available Offline:
- 1600 x 1200 @ 72 ppi
- 1600 x 1200 @ 300 ppi = 3.5MB
1024 x 768
72 ppi
Proterozoic Stromatolites (2.3 billion years old)
Cochabamba, Bolivia
South America
Archaean Stromatolites
Hartville Uplift Wyoming